The super bowl is one of those things that brings Americans together. Like apple pie
and mom’s baked cookies it signifies what it is to be a wholesome American. Well
maybe not in the same vein but it does seem to represent us as a people. The
super bowl is only forty some odd years old and the sport dates back to 1869.
But it does demonstrate the things American’s as a whole are interested in. It’s
competitive. It’s rough. It's aggressive. It’s filled with rules and
regulations. The players of football are part of team and together they all win
or lose.

Football is a microcosm of our attitudes towards wars, economics, and
politics. We are aggressive but tactful. We are rough when we need to be but
gentle in the right instance. We are the ultimate example of a competitive
economy and there are clear winners and losers. Football is a sport of
fanaticism. People devote their lives to their regional home town team. They are
just as fanatical about it as many Americans are patriotic. The game itself is
even played with a leader (Quarterback) who can double as the president. The
players work with him but he leads the team. But without the other players the
leader (Quarterback or president, pick your metaphor) cannot win. The team
(government) is playing for the fans (citizens).

The day itself is one of camaraderie. No matter who’s team is playing,
family and friends come together to watch the game and participate in the event
even from the comfort of home. The airing of the event is also heavily
Americanized in that it is highly commercialized. Millions of dollars of
advertising money is dedicated to the 30 second spots during the commercial
breaks.  Some viewers of the event
tune in solely for the ads and there typically creative nature.

one can underestimate the effects that this particular game has. It permeates
Americana. We see the effects of it every day. The competitive nature of our
country is not a result of the game but in fact vice versa. Football is so
popular because of its aggressive competiveness. It is like war in that it
upholds the values of honor and pride. The players wear suits of armor and
battle on what’s referred to as the gridiron. They play with a pigskin and they
have plays called blitzes. They have player positions like linemen and guard.
The teams have strong names like Lions, Steelers, and Bears. When a team wins a
lot it’s called a dynasty.


the most part football sums up the qualities that make America strong. Without
our competitive nature we would be weak. Without our aggressive stances we would
not be the leaders of the world we are. Without our ability to get rough we
would not have won wars like World War II. Without our rules and regulations we
would not be the country of law that we are today. The Super bowl is as much
about family and friends as it about patriotism and what works about America. It
is playing out our dreams and aspirations as a nation for five short months. If
only real wars were that short. 


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    Patrick Skelding

    I am history graduate at Penn State Abignton. I gruaduated with Highest distiction and as Valedictorian. On the politcal spectrum I would put myself on the left but not radical.


    May 2012
    December 2011



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